lunes, 6 de diciembre de 2021

How to behave for storytellers, while recovering homeless from streets.

 Welcome to how to behave on stage for comediants at social services, and if you behave, surely, at entertainment industries. This stage is going to be the city. So, why are we here? And what are we trying to achieve? (Let people answer). This is going to be a work for the social services office, we have lots of expectations for this journey. Let's go on the previous facts to this guide. While working on my start up, going into procedures, we were aim to work on art therapy practices, in order to include artists in employment policy. So, this happen everyday at Colombia! After reviewing literature on the topic, we set up storytelling as the starting point.We have never gone into this before. This is going to be like constructing this project from the singular to the general, recovering empirical experiences from you, the people! Who knows the rights? The ones from the Constitution? And the “debts”? . As a matter of fact, we are going to present a previous brief of why do we think on behavior for this formerly tasks. First of all, I'm going to tell you about what did I think? We are not going to be able to do this if we don't review our behavioral manners. What about it? Our partners on the task are quite different. Government is going to be taking KPI's on our results. From this KPI's depends budget for the program. What am I going to do? So, be aware of this first fact. People is not going to know what to do. What would you do? I'm showing you this technique, asking queries is a very issue in working with people, because we are going to know which previous experiences our partners can bring to our purpose, and whatever new issue is going to gain in significance, because they will have where to relate to explain every new procedure. So, first step, on improving what to do. Have you done something like this before? For example, in my case preparing this text, writing an illustrative paragraph for my english 0101 class, I had an idea. I set up a topic sentence on why to behave in general while delivering services at cultural and entertainment industries, so I realized, I was not going to be able to develope the full package for the english class' purposes, I delimit the assigment to a training situation with storytellers. I recover an observation I made around art therapy services, the normal ones, about the very moment of attending patients at a hospital, remember Patch Adams? So, I related like this: How many times have you mistake a big laugh on the scenary? I mean, you went to a hospital, you had to release a delivery toward some just-operated patients ... ¿How many of you has un-sewing a joke? Well, it is the first time I construct a joke in english, as well as, it is the first time I'm going to construct a program using storytelling for social services, so be careful about your answers to a what to do's question. As consequence, second step, of first fact: Be ready to learn. Never stop learning while doing this. So, our work is going to be teaching and learning. For learning you must listen. Is it true? Pointing out on the fact that releasing entertainment services, for the ones here who have stand up hands on, is different from looking for people's relief through arts, in this case, naratives, there may be lots of applications for telling stories toward communities, I'm going to set up my argument only on a specific one. Here I have this example, actually, we went on this issue yesterday with government partners. They decided we're going on the gubernamental program called recovering homeless from streets. Let's review the process, second fact, we always need to review the processes, mainly when they are already on function. The staff is working and we come over still asking what am I going to do? Man! You are not going to look prfessional if you don't ask this thinks. So, for our example, first of all, cultural management's team go for a mapping, they will intern into the zone to describe whatever issue at the territory. A first recognition process. Then, with this analysis, that comes from the empirical information gattered, they must go through a people's scouting, which is, asking people at the place to learn who wants to help us in the process? Like selecting a guide into the community. A bunch of people for running the program. The answer for someone who knows about our programs to the question, who is going to help us? Is: The same People! Well, third step: They outght to learn the procedures. Oh, my! This is the same fact! We all need to learn from experience. Following, Government do have some places working on this homeless problem, what to expect from it?; well. inside, they deliver something they call “the route of services”, which includes, reception, mostly from the Police Department, time for eating, taking a bath, being reviewed by a medical doctor, cutting their hair, and, our innovation, being released to specific places depending of population, places for elders, disables, youth, etc., so we can meet there to deliver the activities to an specified population, same as we can be told to help on all the procedures. That's why is better getting to know the dayly way government officers deal with the problem. Don't expect too much from our Government, so be ready to share their office. Finnally, I wrote on my mind map, “We are here”, as releasing a map for tourism purposes.This is going to be our entering point to a further development on the matter. What should be, then, our first meeting's purpose? Well, as we are going to be scouting people for the service from communities, behavior becomes a critical issue to consider, neverless we can have people from different ages and conditions. So, we are going to be dealing with Storytelling as an aproach to Art Therapy, and most of our selected, surely, came to us because they have talent telling stories, so they might be interested on our call. The question, how to train trainees on behavioral matters for delivering the service. A guide for speakers, of course, our speakers from communities. What issues must we consider? Why is this issue relevant? What are our chores? Even, we should have, at our office, a chart chore of do's and do not's. Something like: clean your shoes before entering; turn off your cell phone while being at a meeting; stop shewing gun; and things like that. Every community would need from us to set up a set of rules to get to work with the people. Don't be naive, stop it before it grows! Our fouth step: be organized, we are going to do a kind of a brigade everyday, in our community, so we must have a place where we can leave our things, put on our sponsored T-shirts, or even a jacket if raining, a place to eat, to go to the bathroom, to call home, whatever. Be organized, set up your rules, and take time schedulling. What am I going to do this day? With your community partner's from now on, of course. Lose with your step? Don't worry, this is the second main issue. Second fact: nothing, no one, even a tree, are going to move if you don't start with your first step. You are the one in charge of the situation, you need to learn how to deal with many issues at the same time. So, don't be afraid of complexity. After getting aknowledge of this organization issues, let's go through this five questions: Who? What? Why? Where? and When? Let's review all. Who: trainees, trainers, people from the community, social workers, artists, talented people, medical doctors, Police Department Officers … whoever … people that prays, people taht goes to the park, people with different circumstances … What: Storytelling. Why: to acompany, relief, fulfill, follow, and motivate. Where: at homeless recovering's places. Our office. When: whenever Government released the budget. Third Fact: Remember to be reviewing your purposes, keep on mind your main objectives, it doesn't matter how every other trace moves. Therecome, here a chart of chores: Storytelling. Which storytelling am I expecting? The one which accomplishes most of the people's language at the room. Remember, our business is customers centered. So, we are going through a new procedure. Have any has told a story from Grandpa's? Remember to retrieve some in a notebook for the day we start visiting people, we are going to need them all the time, from nowadays to always. People like stories, we can launch stories to explain anything, we can even invent some new ones, and mainly, we can share our stories to everybody. So open your ears, they must have some good ones, too. Our new work team is going to give support to the social services office. Which are their expectations? We are going to be recovering homeless from streets. Let's bewatch on these three processes: (specific training for the day we are going to be doing so). Mapping. Going through the streets, while enhancing street vocabulary related to give instructions for procedures, use of tools, assembling things together, and customer's dayly emotional issues from our community. Scouting. Storytelling – working with comedians. Which other? Librarians. Dramatic writers. Grandparents. Audiences from social services: kids, youth, adults, elders, disables, people from streets. Women, single mothers, prostitutes, workers. We are rescuing them from streets. Why to do so? Let's work on an specific issue – enhancing social services. Cultural behavior has to do with emotional intelligence. Some tags for you: Working with emotions. A country in war. People don't work as a team. Youth, 80% of our population is below 35 years old. The route of this kind of services. Searching from the specific to the big map – for particular issues to general ones. Empirical findings Then, as a conclusion, this is a starting point, we are going to be working on this, so I relate my questions to you. Since, this is our customer service, how are we going to measure this? I've been thinking of publishing some of our notebooks at the internet. What happen if while training other people, we can not do so? We can't accomplish our purposes. Maybe we would need to launch a new idea. For instance, we may use writing stories, instead of telling them, as a technique with disables. Be acknowledge that this is going to be a kind of a brigade job. We are going to be there, mainly, during weekends, unleast Government said something different. Sometimes we must wait for other procedures from the different officers to take place, until we can start working with the community. What to do while wating? Be aware of your role, we are not going to attend people sick. They might be attended by a medical doctor. How to work with the rest of the staff? How is going to be launch time? When are they going to give us our T-shirts and equipment. Can I smoke while at the street? This is not written on stone, bring your proposals, if you find some new aproach, let's discuss it, don't forget you notebook, keep taking notes on whatever you see and think it is important for our process. As final instructions: be honest, be clean, be transparent, listen, ask questions, repeate instructions as needed, don´t pull or push the people, be respectful, understand every dissability. Be lovable, be nice, be willing to help, smile. Go

viernes, 22 de octubre de 2021

Joyce, J. (1914). Dubliners. Eveline. ESL-Bits.

I have a friend who in his 40's, dealing with the idea of losing audiences for his music, decided to follow our character path of today, Eveline from James Joyce's serie of stories Dubliners, short narrations about people living at Dublin, to see if he could approach new generations through new musical proposals, so he left all constructed at London and runaway, as a teenager, behind an american woman he just had met, and supposedly he was in love with.

Real border about James Joyce is he rather to follow a teenager's depth insights, a young woman, and put on her shoes to discover her naive feelings toward Frank, the sailor she is supposed to meet at Buenos Ayres to get married, as if he might have been practicing actual actor's studio's method for launching an actor's career.

I almost forgot writer was a man, while listening the woman reader, who prints a nostalgic, and out of time atmosphere to the story.

Sucess of the story has to do with a detailed description of the challenging point in which Eveline, nineteen, with two envelopes at her hand, she had wrote to his brother Harry, and her dad she's living, reviewed every single situation from her childhood; how she grew up with the kids at the streets; even more, reflexion on changes in the city's build; times working at the stores, same as taking care of two children; thinking about of provoking envious to the woman that had always yelled at her ... and main, thinking about her mother who had died, asking her for taking care of the family as she did. (Joyce, J. 1914).

As she can't stand her violent drunk father; even remembering her favorite brother has died as well; sorrying for her other brother yet working … shuffled, while seeing a picture of her dad's childhood's friend, who had left to Canada, embed at the room… she just appear from one paragraph to next at the train's station, hurrying her tickets to jump over the vehicle, facing opportunity forward, but … she listens a phantom's voice, calling her by her name, telling her to come. (Joyce, J. 1914).

End. I did not know if phantom's voice was Frank calling her from Argentina, or if otherwise, she was so nervous about leaving without permission that she could imagine the situation, because she knew she was doing something wrong.

A bell clanged upon her heart. She felt him seize her hand:


All the seas of the world tumbled about her heart. He was drawing her into them: he would drown her. She gripped with both hands at the iron railing.


No! No! No! It was impossible. Her hands clutched the iron in frenzy. Amid the seas she sent a cry of anguish.

“Eveline! Evvy!”

He rushed beyond the barrier and called to her to follow. He was shouted at to go on but he still called to her. She set her white face to him, passive, like a helpless animal. Her eyes gave him no sign of love or farewell or recognition. (Joyce, J. 1914. p.1).

Joyce portrayed the teenager by observing her behavior, emphasyzing on her fear and foolhardy attitude, and letting us get touched by a “magnifique” story. I love it.

Joyce, J. (1914). Dubliners. Eveline. ESL-Bits.

More about Gaiman's speech.

 I was thinking about our social programs, the ones to be launched, to be constructed from my idea of using storytelling to weave nets between citizens, of how stories can harder social estructures in order to work as a team for development. I'd like to talk a bit about Neil Gaiman as a writer, I see him as a survivor from a war in both stories I read, so I presume this attitude rides him to a scapism position he was fortelling at the article. As narrator, always in first person, he acts like a post-modern observer, launched, I guess, from his expertise in journalism. I had this feeling of listening a Star War chapter, and I can share his blindness, as Luke Skywalker character, with this "if I would've known ..." while using a huckle onto his eyes attitude. Surely it's better to know than not to get to know. I think he tells the story unable of seeing the subtle traces behind. Then, he writes 30 years after, at one of the stories, as saying "... Oh, I see ...". He never understands what is happening at the moment, he writes with the idea of experiment with different author's styles, and as if he could travel in time. As a result, he reconfirms the article, characters discovered the whole intrigue but can't do nothing to change the resolution of the story, maybe because they are dealing with politics and politizians' issues. "characters discover the whole intrigue but can't do nothing ...". 

P.S. Using stories as a relief for society. Thinking aloud. 

I'm talking of my idea for a business plan. Readings have done so always ...

Here in the reply Lucy, you can add the citation for the quote you have cited and the reference can go below. 22 words 

"If I would've known" is not a quote from the text, it's a sentence I constructed to explain the feeling. I did not paraphrased any sentence from the texts.

Hi Lucy, I can see that you cited below from the article; if so, please add the reference after the quotation marks and add the last name, year, and page number in a bracket. 34 words

 Let's see: "... using storytelling to weave nets between citizens, of how stories can harder social estructures in order to work as a team for development." (Gaiman, N. 2013, p.1). Gaiman, N. (2013).

 Why our future depends on libraries, reading and daydreaming. The Guardian.

Luke Sky Walker's example is my observation, I was working on Huckle Berry Finn character once, from when I went to the movies. I uses this kind of examples with kids. I was calling people from Comuna 13 to scholarize, they couldn't be as Luke Skywalker, they had to learn, ¡it's not only attitude! That they were big enough to understand going back to school importance. 

Nooo ... again. "... using storytelling to weave nets between citizens, of how stories can harder social estructures in order to work as a team for development." (Gaiman, N. 2013).

Good work here Lucy! No need for the initial though (Gaiman, 2013, p. 1) 14 words

I'm thinking that with internet we are reading a lot more than ever, only thinking about how easy results to get to the information you need from your home or office.

I used to read a lot when child, mainly comics from newspapers, the local one had a section with selected stories for kids. Then, I had to put my hands on everything, I read the long plays' covers, the drug labels, every bilboard on the streets ... until I discovered outdoor activities, and forgot I like it, I was around 7 years old. At nine I choose movies as a hobby, and never return home. Even reading to my kids was kind of a lazy activitie, we went to the zoo, to the movies, to skate, even until I was 40. Lately, I re-enter reading through the teather practice, and working on scripts for short movies. Thanks for this opportunity of reading again some more stories. I apreciate it.

Hi Abubaker! Thinking on development, I did not see a paragraph about technical books, this ones which leads to engineer anything. Reading about STEM programs, here in Colombia, a kind of places where kids go to learn about robotics, there are many projects which would leverage people's life quality, and that solve everyday problems. I read lots of books that kind, how to this, how to that ...


Christie, A (1927). The shadow on the glass.

 After reading all stories, listening to the audios, I hardly could understand stories, then rereading twice the one I prefered, writting on advance every single aspect of the narration, I chose this sentence as the main one for the story: "If I were you, I should go to her now", concluded Mr.Quin character, to a muttered Captain Porter, from The shadow of the glass's story (Christie, 1927, p.2). I guess you may think it is weard, for simpleness of the sentence, but this could be the first time in history of short stories, this sentence would appear published around the word. For nowdays, it could be seen as a cliche one, on almost every tv serie, or on romantic movies. Then, I notice this story is profoundly modern, first part of the story, I relate to "Murder she wrotes' tv serie", a 1988's released English production, while listening the way dialogues were pronounced. Then, I notice about the construction of the story this fluid world, that make you think of tv shows as Allie McBeal, I would've choose a visual format like that to put on scene this story. As reader, you feel situations are already in movement whenever the story starts, then, you got to meet characters from what they say, and act, as story has being constructed over the dialogues, all we get to know of what is happening comes from the relationships between characters. It mixes their particular point of view, like subjectives, from the landscape, same as whatever idea that crosses through there mind, as well as, their feelings, and behaviors. Text appeals a movie script, but actually is not organized as that, writer uses parallel structures, same as a kind of transition sentences that I could imagine as fade outs and fade ins, for instance, at the end of one of the paragraphs, the character made a reflexion of a dead body, then, you as a reader have to wait to figure out the thinking, then, author decides to break the silence bringing up an inesperate Police officer's dialogue, as saying, Police is already here, it might pass have an hour, forty five minutes from one situation to the other, and for reader it happens in a wicked of eye. That's probably, one of the main resource use by television or cinema, the way scriptwriter selects main actions to delivering story to audiences, it is not a currently time, they skip situations that would occur at a normal day, but that are not important to the core of the story they are trying to narrate. Other characteristic of these stories is that author must know, must figure out the whole ensemble before writing in order that all the pieces match while trying to resolve a murder. So I had to read this story twice, even three times because I was losing details of the drama. This story hides information, the same that opens picks of what characters are thinking or feeling as in a real life situation, so here we have a character, who maybe is not the one any suspect as being the main one, who is secretly in love toward a woman they met in Egypt on winter, and that the whole group of friends re-encounter during a party at a country house. The ones in the trip occult whatever issue that happens during that journey, one of the characters has just got married to a young lady, whenever every one was expecting to has got married to the woman this shy character likes. So, everyone is worried about a rude jelousy situation caused by hidden relationships between them, so story is like a big gossip where everebody manifest their more kind of daredevil thinkings, and suspicions, in parallel with a surrealistic story about a ghost in the house, which appears on a window everytime any gets jelows, and that might suspect about the motives of a murder that has occured, two people, the young bride, and next younger guy in the place, appeared shooted into a garden, after the other party's guest had listened two shots from a firegun. Behavior of characters is funny because they come and go into the situations without any order, their movements don't have any common sense, they love like flyes, it's a party. So, near the end of the story, and after the Police coming, an inspector, enters on scene a kind of a private investigator, writer broughts from the sleeve of her jacket, to solve the crime from a brief of the situation. I discovered, looking for the year of the publishing, this "Sherlock Holmes" alike character is the main character of a serie of stories, writer wrote for a magazine in 1927. In five minutes, he discovers the criminal was the jelaous broom, that he shooted from the ghost's window, driven by the tale they have being telling all two days of the party time. We knew from the character that he was a professional hunter, so he shoot a first shot that crosses the two victims, from the woman's back, to the man's breast, just one shot, then, he shooted a second bullet just to prove his expertise at shooting, so he destroys the woman's earing. He lasted less that two minutes to cross the place and appears at a different house's room. After all, investigator conclude that the lady they met at Egipt on winter, should get acknowledge of this guy's jeloussy, so that her feelling toward our shy character might be genuine, so he urges the guy to hurry up for the woman. It's so funny because the whole situation is unexpected, that you would enjoy every single situation at the story. I do hardly recommend to read this Agatha Christie's piece of cake, I laughed too much.

Christie, A (1927). The shadow on the glass. Esl-bits.

Pashley, J. Hangovers.

 Ok. I decided for the "Hangovers" one, because I wanted to read something more actual. It is like a kind of teenager's statement, a psychological one, the kind of written piece you write thinking mom and dad are stupid. It is related to several topics, one, maybe she's not a girl but a boy who once was raped by his second grade teacher, who was really a man, attired like a woman. Author has this kind of idea, he/she is being followed all over by this situation at school when she refers to the calling situation, the letters not neat over the test paper, being followed by decades just because she had forgotten to turn out the phone, and whatever (Pashley, 2007); she, she describes herself as a girl, has been taking drugs, a milkshake, which she refers like "That taste like strawberry milkshakes, fake and pink" (Pashley, 2007, pag.1). "Fake" because it isn't actually a milkshake. There's the suggestion she has been pull toward prostitution, she needs the stuff to attend the clients in front of McDonalls, she might smoke, and was asked to dirty sexual behavior with a dog. At the end, she had to go to the hospital, she relates the scene, and as if she were asking for help, she states: "If you look deeper, there's a girl, sick from a milkshake, and a dog who limsp" (Pashley, 2007, pag.1). She's feeling nausea, she is asking reader to look deeper into this problematic. As reader I found the story challenging, trying to figure out what had happen, when I was to write the brief, I stand up as a mother, first word, O.k. maybe we are having a trouble with this kid.

Pashley, J. Hangovers. Matchbook, from author's stories collection States, 2007.

Chekhov in the ELS Classroom.

 I have read all about how to use literature at the ESL classroom, in Ninah Beliavsky's article, named Discover the unknown Chekhov in your ESL Classroom, from the first author's insight related to her own emotions while listening to her mother's reading aloud (Beliavsky, 2007), to the purposes of all of these educational practices, which are “... to educate and broaden our student's horizons as we teaching english as a second language” (Beliavsky, 2007), as a mean of enhancing culture through literature, as an “cross-cultural exchange” (Beliavsky,2007). Briefly, this practices consist of reading; getting identified with characters; asking question about the story; disscusing into the class about main social problems described at the readings, in order to make a further analisys; to create a hipothetical ending for the stories, without having reading it yet; to summarize the storie; to create a new and original story following grammar, syntaxis, rethorical paths from author's; and finnally, to “write an expositive essay discussing the views of society in general, the main characters, and the main issues in these stories (Beliavski, 2007). She did not talk about the story I choose but it is more or less the same, here we have a main character which is “The begger”, as told at the name of the story, who lives drunk, but who once he found a guy who proposed him to work picking wood once a month for him, and in the mean while, he left drinking. Chekhov, always writes about street characters, and his stories are funny because of the endings, in this case, whenever the helper found the begger at the cue of a cinema, the begger refered to a pretty woman he met while doing the job for the guy, and that he was greatful because of his love toward her, he left drinking. Helper did not have any merit about. So, what Dr.Ninah Beliavsky tells, and that inspired me about her method, it's about her habit of collecting “books, music, opera, art, young adult novels by american writers” (Beliavsky, 2007) for being used at her classes, selecting them from worldwide literature, looking for her students to recall, same, from their childhood, and many times readings in their own “native tongues” (Beliavsky, 2007), to create a human conexión, and motivation for learning, since students can recognize street people from them. So, what she explains is that Chekhov constructs “vignetes of real life” (Beliavsky, 2007), with emphatizes with student's daily life. Before I read Dr. Beliavsky's article, I did my insights from my own experience, I'd like to share, trying to complement what she says about teaching a second language, and which explains my interest in the topic she writes on. First of all, it's too different learning native language from your own mother that going to school for it; then, I thought of the homeschooling method; I think it is easier to learn new vocabulary by doing hands on activities, or following listening/reading/writing/comprehension processes on a topic you're interested in like, for instance, training a dog; a second language's learner picks up more words from kids' documentaries, like, “horses are mammals, have four legs, and every single issue about how a pony gets to life; there is a relationship between emotions and learning; the way how mom expresses herself while reading aloud is important for gainning the taste of the language; a baby can keep seeing his/her mouth and face expressions for hour; babies learn the accent from everyday use of a word; babies can ask backward; babies can repeat mother's manners as well; loving and caring reinforce confidence while using new vocabulary; Teenager are the worst new language's teachers, they don't have patience, and make you feel stupid. They never have time either, they won't push you to a party if you did not understand, they won't repeat; It is much better go for a grandma, she will correct any mispelling and pronounciation issues; going into a baby's path of learning a second language lets you catch the ABC's, the fundamentals, the accent, and stories form part of this method; most of MBA's people can't describe their childhood because of lack of vocabulary and experiences, it makes social communication harder for them; you can find reading aloud stories by a mom at You Tube, often, some of the readers have lovely voices too, so you get engage with the way the reader-mom point out with his/her finger on the drawings, so you can learn first hand vocabulary, pronounciation, aside rythms and patterns of the new language, without translating, which is an adventage, because it is easier for the brain to acquire the new vocabulary without changing archives at the memory, you even can become a translator.

Beliavsky, Ninah. Discover the Unknown Chekhov in Your ESL Classroom. The Journal of Aesthetic Education.Vol. 41, No. 4 (Winter, 2007), pp. 101-109 (9 pages). Published By: University of Illinois Press.


Radio has been used in Latinamerica as a way of re-stablish order at problematic neightborhood and regions, as well as, an strategy for inclusion and coverage on education matters. It was brought by religious communities, mainly catholic and reformist ones, Calvinists, Luterans. Some comunities worked on media leaded by Baptistes. Nowadays, kids at the neightborhoods uses internet, mainly at places ocupied before by Medellín's cartel, from La Perla neghtborhood at Panama city, to some neighborhoods at Buenos Aires in Argentina. Kids learn about using their native language, to be creative people, how to solve problems, and how to work as a team. This century, they receive foundations from social officers, and cooperation resources for their projects. Government uses communitarian telecommunications to organize every issue at the neighborhoods like public services, water, energy, food and water distribution, vacination and health. Through the radio online, people shows their cultural proposals too. Radio has been a great resourse for decades, and a company for listeners. Nice review of the story.

Melendez, A. In Cuba I Was a German Shepherd.

 I picked Ana Melendez'story: In Cuba I was a German Shepherd. I decided for this one because I had more information about Cuba's than of Haiti's historical situation. Every reading is harder than the last one, I loved it because I had to gather the news behind the cover, hopefully I'm learning. Here we have a kind of a journalistic chronic with a main character named Máximo, who started with a futuristic comic sentence, dated on 2005, actually I don't know if I catch the idea of the story: "let me tell you, my friend, I can feel it in my bones. Any day now Castro's gonna fall" (New York Times, 2001), and then, he ended with a further appreciation of reality, it might be a joke, but I dude, in which he notize there is a Cuban dog driving a rolls royce, a guy he might have known in Cuba, and expressed to his friends that it might be an after Castro's day: "Let me just get it out for Christ's sake" (New York Times, 2001). As they are always playing domino, he can't control emotion, he even loses the pieces down the table, as he realized that something has changed at the Island, but he never knows, he only can tell local news at 8th street in Miami, the place he lives at, since they came to the US with his wife Rosa, who died. He might be even on engagement with other women, after that, but always in love with the Island, he is always nostalgic about. Instead, Máximo thinks Cuban youth is unbelivable, and told a joke about a kid who wanted getting to be a tourist when grown, as if he were previewing this challenging moment during the story.

New York Times for the web (2001). Melendez, A. In Cuba I Was a German Shepherd. A Grove Press release.

Oscar Wild's "The happy Prince"

Oscar Wild's "The happy Prince" let us know that, after all, Prince's statue's heart was just lead, as the artist of the story concludes. This is a story of a Reed which was too hurried on skaping to Egypt, and an auto-admired Prince' sculpture retaining the bird for his own purposes. People at the town presume the sculpture was feeling alone, since, it is just an high-cost object, any mind, in the landscape, but everyone wants, but I guess it's not true, it really is an over-protective statue, while bird is actually an interested swallow, which agree to serve as companion, instead of travelling, to enjoy sculpture's jewelry. I like this story because it is far away from a given moral fable, so usual in Latinamerica's tales for kids. It supposes to be a metaphore of people's conduct, and shows reality as it is.

Un unfair given away.

 Winning and Giving: Football Results and Alumni Giving at Selective Private Colleges and Universities supposses to be an investigation on giving behavior in football players at private colleges and universities (Turner, Meserve, Bowen, 2002). Authors state that might be a relationship between winning a game, the happy mood of the player, and something about he getting ansioux for giving, to extent donations, to a fair campaign, as if being a sport's practicioneer made him more sensitive to social affairs. Evidence supposes to be investigation itself. Authors brought from their coats sleeves a methodology of fixes estimates. Being myself secure of they trying to prove whatever thing they want to listen, I can't believe someone had paid an investigation like this one, since, maybe sports would make better persons from players, and still, it is probable, kids became more responsible of their own health, maybe they work more like a team, and of course, they get competitive skills, which does not means they will donate nothing, unless you deserve it, could any player respond. As feeling sensitive toward poor people is a learned behavior, it's more probable players would donate time to women after sports, and follow typical path of being aware of selves, as teenagers suppose to conduct. Are they paid? Is any taking from their money for social causes? Are authors trying to support a new social behavior program on football players? If that, sponsors would like them to work more on overall kids' skills, as well as on social competences, and behavioral issues, not only giving, mainly if they have been working on finnancial intelligence with the alumni. Are they a kind of a religious college? If so, they might know that any, even adults, are going to donate without a budget from game's winning cups, or maybe, they are who do launch scholarships from playing instead.Think of this, giving is a social manner of saying “I'm magnanimous and notorious”, unless you appear at the top of the newspaper, or are given something in exchange, a dinner, a merchandising, no one is going to donate a dimme, don't expect kids being different. As predicted, results from investigation refers of not having found a relationship between winning, or even losing a game, and giving. “General giving rates are unaffected by won-lost records at the high-profile Division IA schools and at the Ivy League schools (Turner, Meserve, Bowen, 2002, p.1)”. I think this is a bad formulated question, evidence is impenitent, not valid, not relevant, not having clear purpose of why launching it, honestly, I hardly conclude this investigation is a waste of time. So, what to ask? Ask if we can launch a better win-win commitment, think, for instance, of giving a couple of shows to budget a campaing, once, not every day, not of letting football equipment run out a dollar into their pocket, it won't motivate any, since every player is there, launching his/hers football career to earn their very own money, money for buying beautiful things, to gather the never-could life, consider most of them did not go to school for school by itself, but for getting a place into the professional competences.

Turner, Sarah E; Meserve, Lauren A; Bowen, William G. Winning and Giving: Football Results and Alumni Giving at Selective Private Colleges and Universities. 2002 

Suspicious stories around Gypsies.

Lately, we were watching with “kids”, some gypsies' documentaries at my social media on Facebook. I always try to figure out my audience, since I'm not being able of receiving comments back, I'm restricted to ask every friend of mine what do they think of any proposal I mention around orange economy in order to validate the project, so every insight would result of a meaningful story for everyone. Thou, I resent, any has bought my productos and services yet, I will insist and will follow crabbing every product. This atempt has to do with putting content into my notebooks, so I can add value to the object itself. Then, maybe I can create some drawings for every story, and a package with a mug, crayons, a T-shit and a candy. 

First, people have said, mainly teachers, they found useful my notes around starting up in orange economy for classroom work with kids all ages, for them junior middle school might be alright. I bet I can catch kids, youth and families. Then, they enjoy my stories, so I'll try to put all together, my abbility of storytelling and the need of teaching entrepreneurship. I guess I can do a couple of things more, kids are going to learn english with these stories, and maybe I can cover health necessities for art therapy, as I was asked to research, by the time I ends my MBA project, everyone is going to be working on it already, since I've been putting releases of the information around the topic I gather for investigation on the Facebook, because it needs an urgent action from ourselves, social services are a disaster. 

So, in advance, I can construct this stories for waiting rooms at medical services. I'm not going through administrating any art therapy sessions. I do have the idea of distributing posters with an QR on them, so people can get a weekly story on their cell phone, and indeed, you can go to the dentist week by week and find a new story every appointment. I still don't have a huge database to post them at an app, but I still can send them through an SMS service, or copy some prints and sell them. 

Therefore, writting the stories could make the difference with other proposals. Written stories for kids can be useful at school class and everlasting through time. So, I can continue working at my whale like storytelling effort without thinking of competing with other social media proposals, even from true managers at the market. ¡Common on! Harry Potter would release another saga before I can finish this job. Having trouble with my english composition, two hours on a road ... 

Getting back to the day we were watching videos, I was asking myself if I could gather the purposes I met during the planning process, which was one related to a business point, we are not being so kind, we don't match, we are not meeting team work competences for our start ups, starting up supposed to be with people, and we are not supportive people. To pull this up, I got an idea, to show people documentaries online. Documentaries about real people. 

For doing this, I usually construct a programme as leading a live radio, so entries follows a discourse which grows backwards from the bottom to the top of the Facebook, I can't mind how people can relate to the story, but actually that's the way it functions. Compilling the stories I will solve this problem, so maybe tails are going to have a classic format, but thinking of whatever questions kids would ask during the released, just like audiences participating on air, letting me organize promptly and fresh answers, just like at a normal day at home, listening at the media. 

Furthermore, reviewing learning french language videos, some for kindergarten kids, I found out there are a so emotional content at mom's reading aloud of a story, which let listener to get into the adventure getting an easier path for learning, it doesn't have to be too sophisticated to get people's interest on a matter. While seeing drawings, you may understand the new vocabulary without translation. Let's see a bit, how this writting exercise would function. Here an example related on kindness and teamwork.

Suspicious stories around Gypsies. 

Gypsys are people who, as we can find at the YouTube videos, constitute an old human group, too old that they mobilized through time from north of India, border of Iran, to Europe, there are two main caravans, one who walked following Mediterranean Sea, the other one, who went into Central Europe, even toward Nordic countries. Some gypsies relate that maybe they were crossing Babylon just while Nabucodonosor's reign as we can find it in the Bible, the oldest mention of the community in a written book. Remember, gypsies did not learn how to write or read by the time, the got only attitude, so, they stared king Nabucodonor and deny telling him significance of his dreams because they considerated he must not continue on the power, that he did not deserved the charge. I know, the were killed for not doing that, but they acted according to their believe and common sense. This is not easy, it has to do with seeing things just like they are, not the way we can imagine them. For all purposes, Gipsies are stupidly practical. 

Then, at a new opportunity, there's a story about gypsies staring to jews, Gypsies are good observers. There are a correlation between journalism and Gypsies, they can relate almost every point and fact on history, that is not other than to be at the right place and moment to take the picture. This time, Persians were fighting against Romans, everyone knows Persians won because they had better technology than Romans. Most of the Jews wanted Persians to won the war, and the fact is contemporary to Jesus Christ's life. You can imagine moms telling their kids to avoid going after people with weapons, instead convoking children to stay at the church listening to the word. 

As we could follow at the documentary we were seeing, Gypsies love vehicles, all kind of machinery or animal which can move them foward, better at a great velocity. This is not to do at home, it takes time to teach a horse not to jump over their back legs during a gymnastic exercise at the circus. Anyhow, we could see Gypsies at a bicycle; later on at a motorcycle, as well; at a camel, so they show they were climbing to a small tractor to work, not on plantations, cutting wood, the Gypsies we saw were living at a dessert. Actually, they brought out water from the land, they trapped snakes and babbles to eat, they even tried to hypnotize a snake for the documentary camera, they show how do this process; they gathered honey from a bees' hive; and everything looked to be all right and on calm. 

Gypsies last lots of time on their personal arragement, so they can look defiant toward cameraman; exotic; young, more than any other culture; and extreemly modern if we consider any of them has seen a foreigner in their lives, we conclude they maybe got their garments from commerce with arabs, as they dress much better than I do at a city like Bogota. Many of them wear hucles and black glasses, jewlry and had painted their faces for going to a party. They looked happy, good looking, and all of them danced even while working. Both, we saw, women and men work together, it doesn't matter how tiresome their job is. And even their women are as free like occidental ones. They can choose their husbands, anyone is rejected, all belong together, or pull up to doing any thing they don't want to do. 

Back on time, Gypsies did not last too much, rate of life was aroud 40-45 years old, so whenever they had to get into a decision, they joined around the elder's counsel, which reunited, actually, you guess, people around 40 to 45 years old. Whenever you see Gypsies' communities, same as Japanese ones, I guess, you may think you are talking to kids, as they remain laughing always, it is their humanitarian way through life, they are not tall, and it's not frequently to find their long hair, white. 

At the end of the journey, even nowdays, Gypsies return to the caravan, but before, they count every child, one by one, to see any get lost of the group. All Gypsies have a sense of family, consequently, they go with their kids everywhere showing them all kind of marvelous things around the world. 

Once, a criminal scaped at a caravan, then Police came to any circus one, and reviewing every Gipsy, stared at a clown backwards in the stage: “¡Hey, you … yes, the one backwards, stop laughing!”. 

So on, days come and go at a Gypsy community.

How to talk to girls at parties, Neil Gaiman's book released.

 How to talk to girls at parties, Neil Gaiman's book released. 

The story I most liked of all english composition 0101 classes at UoPeople was this short story Neil Gaiman wrotes about the origin of Piscodelia's movement: How to talk to girls at parties (2006), which was released as a book with awsome illustrations by Amazon into the market, and it's already a bestseller. His author is a worldwide well-known writer, too, because the story got to be produced for the movies by the great director John Cameron Mitchell, with the participation of the spectacular actriz Nicole Kidman, as well as, it has being widely reviewed by press and media all around the globe (Amazon, 2021). 

What I liked the most of this story has being having the opportunity to learn a lot more about the industry than expected. I went into the author's webpage as I could scrutinized the way he as a journalist has launched his career not only by writting an excelent story, but through a strategic marketing process. Author is more likely a literature rock star with a bunch of agents for every issue, one for the talks tour, other for the movie releases, a third one related to libraries distribution, a forth dealing with press and media, a fifth, selling the merchandising, and so on. 

Running into his agenda, of course I contacted his agent to see if they can consider coming for a talk to our country, actually I ask them to put in contact to Cultural Ministry, I'll couldn't afford organizing that kind of meeting, Gaiman has scoped almost all 2022's first semester with talks around the Pacific Ocean's cities of the United States. There's lots of You Tube's entries about his conferences that are always full of people interested on his experience as succesfull author. And it's not a coincidence, San Francisco area was the real landscape where the origin of Psicodelia had placed in 70's. 

Because I'm a truly fanatic of rock and roll music and its history, I related to my book, I'm always proud of collecting authentic jewells, written by my friend Manolo Bellon, a colombian journalist, and tv shows frontman, who had the oportunity to meet different artists at that time for colombian tv interviews, to look specifically for this commenced of his narration about interviewing The Beatles.

Here Bellon describes a place in California, similar to that one described at Gaiman's story, actually located at a London suburb; instead San Francisco's area, as told by Bellon, results to be much-alike to the atmosphere I could perceived in the story, that's why I think location for the movie was exceptionally well chosen; Summarizing, Bellon says that specially Haight-Ashbury, a San Francisco's neightborhood, used to be a perfect set for growing up as musician, where people took advantage of the clima to listen to the music, surrounded of an endless creative liberty, with no obstacles to work on these projects, though, it was true, it was permetted by prohibited substances supossedly to stimulate creativity, converting itself as a meeting center for thousands of kids coming from all US's corners. These were victorian style houses turned into communal housing for utopic boys and girls who yelled love and peace, as so that through Psicodelia, musicians translated his sensations while using drugs. Then, he ends relating how George Harrison, who came to California with Paul McCartney, dwelled the kid's degradation of hinduism's taughts that he helped to popularize, making look hinduism's practices at the city distorted and irreal. 

I hardly recommend this reading for rock and roll's learners' delight. 

As follows, a transcript from Bellon's book in his own spanish words (2009): 

“El clima – no sólo el metereológico, también el musical – es estupendo. Hay mucha más libertad creativa y bastantes menos cortapisas para trabajar.” Bellon, M (2007, p.207). 

“Es que la música – no se decía en voz alta – ya estaba permeada por sustancias prohibidas que estimulaban la creatividad.” Bellon, M (2007, p.207). 

“Un poco más al norte de Los Ángeles, San Francisco, especialmente en el sector de Haight-Ashbury, se convierte a mediados de los años sesenta en el centro de reunión de miles de jóvenes venidos de todos los rincones de Estados Unidos.” Bellon, M (2007, p.208). 

“Y Haight-Ashbury, muy cerca del parque Golden Gate, al pie de la costa Pacífica, tenía hermosas casas de estilo victorianoque con el tiempo se convierten en inquilinatos – viviendas comunales – en los que viven estos muchachos y muchachas que buscan la utopía del amor eterno y la paz.” Bellon, M (2007, p.208). 

“Así que la psicodelia en la música reflejaba lo que sus creadores experimentaban cuando consumían el ácido u otras sustancias; esas sensaciones las transladaban luego al arte.” Bellon, M (2007, p.209). 

“Su impacto fué todavía mayor cuando Paul McCartney y George Harrison, de The Beatles, visitaron la ciudad.” Bellon, M (2007, p.209). 

“Harrison volvió frustrado por lo que percibió como la degradación del ser humano, pese a que muchos pregonaban la religión hindú, que justamente The Beatles y el propio Harrison habían popularizado. El hinduísmo de la ciudad le pareció distorsionado e irreal.” Bellon, M (2007, p.209). 

Gaiman, Neil. (2006). How to talk to girls at parties. ESL-Bits. 

Gaiman, Neil. (2021) Website. Talk_To_Girls_At_Parties_(Text) 

How to talk to girls at parties, comment about the film (2021). Google. 

“How to Talk to Girls at Parties is a 2017 science fiction romantic comedy film directed by John Cameron Mitchell and written by Philippa Goslett and Cameron Mitchell, based on the 2006 short story of the same name by Neil Gaiman. The film stars Elle Fanning, Alex Sharp, Nicole Kidman, Ruth Wilson and Matt Lucas.” 

How to Talk to Girls at Parties, movie trailer (2017). You Tube. 

Bellon, M (2009). El ABC del rock. Prologue. Bogota: Aguilar, Altea, Taurus, Alfaguara S.A. 22c9521bc5c39b73.pd

Gluttonery 4

 Re-writting life path. Women in business career and family. 

My nerves simply broked thinking of the idea of not being able to launch an artist career. I received suggestions of going into art therapy issues to solve both problems, the business plan, and my illness' relief. I was full attacked. In the meanwhile, I had not to raise my kids anymore, they grow up, actually, they are living home and I feel my hands just empty. The nurturing time has ended. Women seems to follow this path, putting down their purposes to circumstances, not finding the way back to business from the housekeeper tasks. 

A summary of what sometime a christian author wrote about gender equality in the labor market, Randel, Jr. G. (1998, pp. 243-257) might significate a hurl point of relevance for dealing with this situation: “… traditional family delegates women to a secondary labor sector of lower-paying, lowbenefit, dead-end-jobs”, states “wage differentials”. “Although most members of U.S. Society no longer expect that women should aspire to be only homemakers and mothers, social pressure neverthless remains on working women to hold primary responsability for the domestic life”. 

Because society stands behaviors on women in business... You get to be a god mom, which implies no budget. Being a good neightbor pulls you to face the risk of getting repute in your community. From dad's criterium, don't even step the street. Many women consider not parenting at all, I do defend my right of being a mom, and to act as one in business, that is not the question as I will not have to repeat it. Point is that if you are committed to take your own decisions, it implies financial freedom as requirement. Can't dream of launching a global career because you deserve it without handling with sword words: you are already fifty years old, anybody would believe in a third world country woman, go and see if you can launch your family support ... because you have being punished for been a single mother ... and far more, for not being enough eager compared to other women in industry, sorry but I'm not going to act as a man at the office. I want my money back now. I want to be wealthy and free. (The one corresponding to years of investment on family without an income. Be willing to respect your mom). 

“There are many subtle ways in which women are disadvantaged in pursuing academic carreers. Recognizing stereotypes is the first way to eliminate them”. - Listen - Two concepts. The glass ceilling – succesful women don't reach the top of their proffession because of gender condition. The maternal wall – women with children are less likely to achieve that men goals. Most of the competitive women avoid having children. Stereotyping. “... an employer fired an employee who sought to return from maternity leave on the grounds that mothers should stay at home until their children are grown”. “... success is largerly the accumulation of advantage”, … “in favor of promoting men, after a while, 65 percent of top-level employees were male. Conversely, the accumulation of disadvantage”, “for women creates very real job detriment”. “The glass ceiling is composed of two different patterns, one makes it harder for women to perceived as competent, women's succesful performance tends to be more closely scrutinized, and assessed by stricter standards than men's”. “Women tend to receive fewer rewards than men”. People expects women to be supportive, not “brilliant”, seeing too competitive. “Advancement in organization depends not only on competence assessments but also on social acceptance and approval”. Completing the brief, “worker mother is seeing as selfish and unsensitive”. “The paternal wall instead shows a worker father as warm and competent, good worker, the one who seek an active role in family care as taking kids to a soccer game”. “Men is expected to gain more than women. If taking care of children and had to take a part-time job, he might feel less men”. “So are stereotypes” - conclude the author -. Williams, J. (2004 – pp. 16-20). 

Getting the budget to pull up my entrepreneurship has been a jeopardy. As I helped with red cross giving psicological support during a “hecatomb (every day's colombian situation)”, and people still remember my retired dad, a medical doctor, as a respectful part of society, (they stand him to a saint's category), I was suggested to work on this art therapy affairs, as a means of “get to do something useful with your career in arts”. I'd like to mention importance of mentorship to get to be profitable at the business, an experienced businessman, giving relevance to orange economy, put out the need of constructing industry, and enhance employment for Latinamerica, of course, his way of seeing companies' building is larger ... I did changed my dad as recommended. 

For my dad all this issue results overwhelming. I need to state that I'm not going to threat patients through any artherapy practice, but storytelling, as it is my desire. From art-therapy brainstorm, thou, I recognize, it lets me acquire challenging and innovation resources for instaling my storytelling services in applications like: relief; education; entertainment; fighting stress; personal growth; life project; free time readings; social services; cultural animation; social media; tracking orange businesses, and ecommerce; human talent development; wellbeing quality; and society development in general. I still learned about tourism, international trading, lean concepts for cultural industries, existence o agile, scrum techniques, an a lot more issues during making the mock up of my proposal for validation into the market. So, I'm preparing myself for a beta validation of my product. I need to go forward. 

I'm considering, for instance, a study on Chilean's life stories showing how “cultural change occurs at the individual level”, taking in account “factors that motivate and inhibit processes of reinterpretation of personal experience, and identifies different levels at which it operates”. In the 60's, “the sociology of selfhood began to develop”. “Scholars observed the conformation of self identity in interactional context. Self as development in the person's psyche from the rules imposed by collective life”. “Self as a result of a reflective process in interactional everyday's contexts”. They introduce an idea of behavior as “emphasizing its performative nature”. “The development of different tools for empirical analysis of the dialogical relationship between self and society has accompanied this process. For example, the relationship between self-interpretation and prevailing social discourses has been examined as narrative work, and identity work”. “Still, the question of how individuals negociate the interpretation of personal experience over their lifetimes in the context of cultural change remains unexplored”. - Debate between esscentialism and constructivism -. “Negotiation of personal experience when the cultural references suffer transformations in a given society”. Bernasconi, O. (2011, pp. 20-37). Awsome. 

I still get to manage my dad's big figure on me, he even doesn't know I'm taking this grade. I think this is for me the most difficult part of being a company's woman manager, since I don't have his support, I don't have warranties for a debt. It means, the project of “Hay un lugar, Taller de arte” must be stronger enough for tracking it just by sells' incomes to make it profitable, and maybe to convicnce my kids of being greatful to mom, giving her a proper credit on her ideas, lenting her money for her purposes, while, thinking of continuing being part of the family, and getting manage to follow my kids' career's goal, which could be farther bigger than mine, in the sense, they are even more qualified than me. 

I found a study to be worried about, entrepreneurship practices at third world countries, which are being implemented on inmigrant population in the U.S. without success because they don't accomplish U.S. markets requirements, researches conclude they are not solving poverty, so they consider that these practices don't meet U.S. standards and must be reviewed. “Women in poor countries are launching nothing” shoots Bachrach, T and K (1998, pp.424-440). 

I further identify all the tasks I still have to do to construct a budget for my minimal viable product, and a five minutes elevator pitch as next step. New validation process. Between the issues I will have to follow through: 1. Enhance rehersal about audiences for storytelling (kids, youth, families, B2B, media, on stage, books, t-shirts, posters, waiting rooms, school class, etc); 2. Taking acknowledge of finnancing, a propposal for an on stage delivery; 3. Craft: gather the stories, not fairy tales, make drawings for PDF's books, thinking of notebooks; 4. Thrieve with numerical information for project costs, and contents; 5. Selling's funnel step; 6. Draft further development, markets, potential clients like schools, hotels, health, social services, orange, tourism, social media, legal expenses, for completing the company's business plan; 7. Budgeting the maquila, a new computer for design, marketing and selling issues, contract of human talent (yelling for help); 8. Offer product considerations, for catching buyers, and finnancial supporters; and finally, 9. Work on speeches. This is what is going to be everlasting, not matter all my mental training for being someone at life. 

This is an empirical study about textil industry founders and their responses to the same adversity, so researchers can compare results. This paper relates to resilence skills, and challenging times. I'll be worthy of reading later. Powell, E. and Baker, T. (2014, pp.1406 – 1433). 

Dealing with my feeling of being facing a big challenge in order to model my further career path, I think that working on resilence and emotional responses are important issues to gather motivation to continue, not for me, for everyone. Latinamerican families are more patriarcal and closed to new feminism ideas, I don't feel feminist, I feel nearest to a Christian revaluation of women work at society. I'm committed to a more maternal and less empowered way of leading a company, because I believe women stand families, and construct societies. It's important to continue working on development from a women point of view. It's a pity, feminists are throwing families to the garbage. I can't stand it. I don't feel less woman for being a mother, so I'll be launching and defending my proper place on society. Mothers have rights too. Women hold communities and social services, I bet for a “mutuality” model, I even raise my kids that way. You might to be respectful to your parents, and family might be supportive. 

Randel, Jr. G. Business and “Family Values” (1998). The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics.  

Negotiating Personal Experience over the Lifetime: Narrative elasticity as an Analytic Tool (2011). Wiley on behalf of the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction.  

Williams, J. Hitting the Maternal Wall (2004). American Association of University Professors.   

Powell, E. and Baker, T. It's what you make of it: Founder identity and enacting strategic responses to adversity (2014). The academy of Management Journal. 

Bachrach, T. and K (1998). Women and the false promise of microenterprise. Gender and Society. 

viernes, 30 de julio de 2021

RESUME - Lucy Tatiana Galvis Peñuela 2021


Lucy Tatiana Galvis Peñuela’s Profile. 
Artist / Cultural Manager / Cultural Journalist / Entrepreneurship / Scriptwriter 
UoPeople – (Sept 2021) English 0101 Student, looking for a MBA. 
English level: B2 to C1 
Carrera 26 A No.39A-38 Bogotá, Colombia, Latin America 
Cell Phone: 3204697966 
E-mail: lucygalvis 

Entrepreneur: (Redefining Business Plan). 

Hay un Lugar, Taller de Arte (There’s a place - Once upon -, Workshop). Art Retail Shop, functional and decorative objects, books, gifts, and souvenirs. Hay un Lugar Magazine prototype (instead I’m developing a social media, more flexible model). Publication’s development (contents). Design and prototyping. Cultural Services, Consulting on communication, education, culture, edutainment, innovation and development. A projects office. I’m interested in tourism issues and international trade. From Magazine I rescue two projects. I gathered with educational purpose some www material around cultural management, I processed for being used with Commune 13’s kids (14-17 years old). I think this need cases studies and information about international trading to construct a learning book, for anyone who wants to learn how to enhance entrepreneurship competences. This could lead to become a speaker. 

Then, from an Art Therapy article at the magazine, I was told to developed investigation about intervention models, formative processes, and law frameworks around innovation on health care management to be applied by Colombian Government, so, I’m thinking about consulting services. It has following topics: disabilities, leisure and free time, well-being, reception and attention centers, psychological first aid, prevention, occupational work, leading toward job, between others. 

Brief paragraph: 

Master fine artist, UNIANDES, Bogotá, 1996; Film, television and video director and producer, art director as well (Fundación Lumiere, Dir. Pepe Sánchez, Bogotá, 1999; Cinemateca Rodante, Bogotá, 2017 - 2018); Marketing (Courses), Escuela de Administracion de Negocios, EAN, Bogotá; Scholarship holder from SECAB (international government organization which joins 5 Andean countries), Cultural Gestion and Management Specialist within hands on experience on cultural economy and public policies, award-winning thesis (an overwhelming one), Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá, 2000. Televisión Specialist, Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, 2001; A shared Nobel Price for Colombia with people participating at the table, La Habana conversations with FARC, Noruega 2016; Adjunct PhD in Mathematics, UNIANDES, information with Mr. José Fernando Isaza, Fundación Mazda’s director (en ausencia), Bogotá, 2019; Post doctorate in Economy Ad Honorem, ask Mr. César Gaviria Trujillo, Bogotá 2016. Decade artist, Textile and Fine Art Program from ex – Dean Mrs. María Teresa Guerrero, Bogotá 2007 – 2017. (Best friend and more likely, they were grateful for taking them away from this buzz). 

 Cultural intervention at Comuna 13, Medellín, Colombia, 2005 - 2019. As a result, 818 kids (14 – 17 years old) ended up high school in 2019, approved by Education Ministry of Colombia, through an essay which should include applied math, all of them choose social problems. They applied to Saber 11 test to continue on undergraduate studies, entrepreneurial effort, or work. 10 people answered complete exam receiving maximum score, they received scholarships to study Medicine (8 teens), Business Management (2 teens) in Andes, Sabana and Eafit Universities. Most of the kids received scholarships from Public Universities, they started in 2020. Cultura E (Culture E, a governmental office for entrepreneurs) received 515 business plans from Commune 13’s people, December 2019 statistics. 

See more about studies and career experiences details at my 7 pages online dossier: