Welcome to how to behave on stage for comediants at social services, and if you behave, surely, at entertainment industries. This stage is going to be the city. So, why are we here? And what are we trying to achieve? (Let people answer). This is going to be a work for the social services office, we have lots of expectations for this journey. Let's go on the previous facts to this guide. While working on my start up, going into procedures, we were aim to work on art therapy practices, in order to include artists in employment policy. So, this happen everyday at Colombia! After reviewing literature on the topic, we set up storytelling as the starting point.We have never gone into this before. This is going to be like constructing this project from the singular to the general, recovering empirical experiences from you, the people! Who knows the rights? The ones from the Constitution? And the “debts”? . As a matter of fact, we are going to present a previous brief of why do we think on behavior for this formerly tasks. First of all, I'm going to tell you about what did I think? We are not going to be able to do this if we don't review our behavioral manners. What about it? Our partners on the task are quite different. Government is going to be taking KPI's on our results. From this KPI's depends budget for the program. What am I going to do? So, be aware of this first fact. People is not going to know what to do. What would you do? I'm showing you this technique, asking queries is a very issue in working with people, because we are going to know which previous experiences our partners can bring to our purpose, and whatever new issue is going to gain in significance, because they will have where to relate to explain every new procedure. So, first step, on improving what to do. Have you done something like this before? For example, in my case preparing this text, writing an illustrative paragraph for my english 0101 class, I had an idea. I set up a topic sentence on why to behave in general while delivering services at cultural and entertainment industries, so I realized, I was not going to be able to develope the full package for the english class' purposes, I delimit the assigment to a training situation with storytellers. I recover an observation I made around art therapy services, the normal ones, about the very moment of attending patients at a hospital, remember Patch Adams? So, I related like this: How many times have you mistake a big laugh on the scenary? I mean, you went to a hospital, you had to release a delivery toward some just-operated patients ... ¿How many of you has un-sewing a joke? Well, it is the first time I construct a joke in english, as well as, it is the first time I'm going to construct a program using storytelling for social services, so be careful about your answers to a what to do's question. As consequence, second step, of first fact: Be ready to learn. Never stop learning while doing this. So, our work is going to be teaching and learning. For learning you must listen. Is it true? Pointing out on the fact that releasing entertainment services, for the ones here who have stand up hands on, is different from looking for people's relief through arts, in this case, naratives, there may be lots of applications for telling stories toward communities, I'm going to set up my argument only on a specific one. Here I have this example, actually, we went on this issue yesterday with government partners. They decided we're going on the gubernamental program called recovering homeless from streets. Let's review the process, second fact, we always need to review the processes, mainly when they are already on function. The staff is working and we come over still asking what am I going to do? Man! You are not going to look prfessional if you don't ask this thinks. So, for our example, first of all, cultural management's team go for a mapping, they will intern into the zone to describe whatever issue at the territory. A first recognition process. Then, with this analysis, that comes from the empirical information gattered, they must go through a people's scouting, which is, asking people at the place to learn who wants to help us in the process? Like selecting a guide into the community. A bunch of people for running the program. The answer for someone who knows about our programs to the question, who is going to help us? Is: The same People! Well, third step: They outght to learn the procedures. Oh, my! This is the same fact! We all need to learn from experience. Following, Government do have some places working on this homeless problem, what to expect from it?; well. inside, they deliver something they call “the route of services”, which includes, reception, mostly from the Police Department, time for eating, taking a bath, being reviewed by a medical doctor, cutting their hair, and, our innovation, being released to specific places depending of population, places for elders, disables, youth, etc., so we can meet there to deliver the activities to an specified population, same as we can be told to help on all the procedures. That's why is better getting to know the dayly way government officers deal with the problem. Don't expect too much from our Government, so be ready to share their office. Finnally, I wrote on my mind map, “We are here”, as releasing a map for tourism purposes.This is going to be our entering point to a further development on the matter. What should be, then, our first meeting's purpose? Well, as we are going to be scouting people for the service from communities, behavior becomes a critical issue to consider, neverless we can have people from different ages and conditions. So, we are going to be dealing with Storytelling as an aproach to Art Therapy, and most of our selected, surely, came to us because they have talent telling stories, so they might be interested on our call. The question, how to train trainees on behavioral matters for delivering the service. A guide for speakers, of course, our speakers from communities. What issues must we consider? Why is this issue relevant? What are our chores? Even, we should have, at our office, a chart chore of do's and do not's. Something like: clean your shoes before entering; turn off your cell phone while being at a meeting; stop shewing gun; and things like that. Every community would need from us to set up a set of rules to get to work with the people. Don't be naive, stop it before it grows! Our fouth step: be organized, we are going to do a kind of a brigade everyday, in our community, so we must have a place where we can leave our things, put on our sponsored T-shirts, or even a jacket if raining, a place to eat, to go to the bathroom, to call home, whatever. Be organized, set up your rules, and take time schedulling. What am I going to do this day? With your community partner's from now on, of course. Lose with your step? Don't worry, this is the second main issue. Second fact: nothing, no one, even a tree, are going to move if you don't start with your first step. You are the one in charge of the situation, you need to learn how to deal with many issues at the same time. So, don't be afraid of complexity. After getting aknowledge of this organization issues, let's go through this five questions: Who? What? Why? Where? and When? Let's review all. Who: trainees, trainers, people from the community, social workers, artists, talented people, medical doctors, Police Department Officers … whoever … people that prays, people taht goes to the park, people with different circumstances … What: Storytelling. Why: to acompany, relief, fulfill, follow, and motivate. Where: at homeless recovering's places. Our office. When: whenever Government released the budget. Third Fact: Remember to be reviewing your purposes, keep on mind your main objectives, it doesn't matter how every other trace moves. Therecome, here a chart of chores: Storytelling. Which storytelling am I expecting? The one which accomplishes most of the people's language at the room. Remember, our business is customers centered. So, we are going through a new procedure. Have any has told a story from Grandpa's? Remember to retrieve some in a notebook for the day we start visiting people, we are going to need them all the time, from nowadays to always. People like stories, we can launch stories to explain anything, we can even invent some new ones, and mainly, we can share our stories to everybody. So open your ears, they must have some good ones, too. Our new work team is going to give support to the social services office. Which are their expectations? We are going to be recovering homeless from streets. Let's bewatch on these three processes: (specific training for the day we are going to be doing so). Mapping. Going through the streets, while enhancing street vocabulary related to give instructions for procedures, use of tools, assembling things together, and customer's dayly emotional issues from our community. Scouting. Storytelling – working with comedians. Which other? Librarians. Dramatic writers. Grandparents. Audiences from social services: kids, youth, adults, elders, disables, people from streets. Women, single mothers, prostitutes, workers. We are rescuing them from streets. Why to do so? Let's work on an specific issue – enhancing social services. Cultural behavior has to do with emotional intelligence. Some tags for you: Working with emotions. A country in war. People don't work as a team. Youth, 80% of our population is below 35 years old. The route of this kind of services. Searching from the specific to the big map – for particular issues to general ones. Empirical findings Then, as a conclusion, this is a starting point, we are going to be working on this, so I relate my questions to you. Since, this is our customer service, how are we going to measure this? I've been thinking of publishing some of our notebooks at the internet. What happen if while training other people, we can not do so? We can't accomplish our purposes. Maybe we would need to launch a new idea. For instance, we may use writing stories, instead of telling them, as a technique with disables. Be acknowledge that this is going to be a kind of a brigade job. We are going to be there, mainly, during weekends, unleast Government said something different. Sometimes we must wait for other procedures from the different officers to take place, until we can start working with the community. What to do while wating? Be aware of your role, we are not going to attend people sick. They might be attended by a medical doctor. How to work with the rest of the staff? How is going to be launch time? When are they going to give us our T-shirts and equipment. Can I smoke while at the street? This is not written on stone, bring your proposals, if you find some new aproach, let's discuss it, don't forget you notebook, keep taking notes on whatever you see and think it is important for our process. As final instructions: be honest, be clean, be transparent, listen, ask questions, repeate instructions as needed, don´t pull or push the people, be respectful, understand every dissability. Be lovable, be nice, be willing to help, smile. Go