viernes, 22 de octubre de 2021

Gluttonery 4

 Re-writting life path. Women in business career and family. 

My nerves simply broked thinking of the idea of not being able to launch an artist career. I received suggestions of going into art therapy issues to solve both problems, the business plan, and my illness' relief. I was full attacked. In the meanwhile, I had not to raise my kids anymore, they grow up, actually, they are living home and I feel my hands just empty. The nurturing time has ended. Women seems to follow this path, putting down their purposes to circumstances, not finding the way back to business from the housekeeper tasks. 

A summary of what sometime a christian author wrote about gender equality in the labor market, Randel, Jr. G. (1998, pp. 243-257) might significate a hurl point of relevance for dealing with this situation: “… traditional family delegates women to a secondary labor sector of lower-paying, lowbenefit, dead-end-jobs”, states “wage differentials”. “Although most members of U.S. Society no longer expect that women should aspire to be only homemakers and mothers, social pressure neverthless remains on working women to hold primary responsability for the domestic life”. 

Because society stands behaviors on women in business... You get to be a god mom, which implies no budget. Being a good neightbor pulls you to face the risk of getting repute in your community. From dad's criterium, don't even step the street. Many women consider not parenting at all, I do defend my right of being a mom, and to act as one in business, that is not the question as I will not have to repeat it. Point is that if you are committed to take your own decisions, it implies financial freedom as requirement. Can't dream of launching a global career because you deserve it without handling with sword words: you are already fifty years old, anybody would believe in a third world country woman, go and see if you can launch your family support ... because you have being punished for been a single mother ... and far more, for not being enough eager compared to other women in industry, sorry but I'm not going to act as a man at the office. I want my money back now. I want to be wealthy and free. (The one corresponding to years of investment on family without an income. Be willing to respect your mom). 

“There are many subtle ways in which women are disadvantaged in pursuing academic carreers. Recognizing stereotypes is the first way to eliminate them”. - Listen - Two concepts. The glass ceilling – succesful women don't reach the top of their proffession because of gender condition. The maternal wall – women with children are less likely to achieve that men goals. Most of the competitive women avoid having children. Stereotyping. “... an employer fired an employee who sought to return from maternity leave on the grounds that mothers should stay at home until their children are grown”. “... success is largerly the accumulation of advantage”, … “in favor of promoting men, after a while, 65 percent of top-level employees were male. Conversely, the accumulation of disadvantage”, “for women creates very real job detriment”. “The glass ceiling is composed of two different patterns, one makes it harder for women to perceived as competent, women's succesful performance tends to be more closely scrutinized, and assessed by stricter standards than men's”. “Women tend to receive fewer rewards than men”. People expects women to be supportive, not “brilliant”, seeing too competitive. “Advancement in organization depends not only on competence assessments but also on social acceptance and approval”. Completing the brief, “worker mother is seeing as selfish and unsensitive”. “The paternal wall instead shows a worker father as warm and competent, good worker, the one who seek an active role in family care as taking kids to a soccer game”. “Men is expected to gain more than women. If taking care of children and had to take a part-time job, he might feel less men”. “So are stereotypes” - conclude the author -. Williams, J. (2004 – pp. 16-20). 

Getting the budget to pull up my entrepreneurship has been a jeopardy. As I helped with red cross giving psicological support during a “hecatomb (every day's colombian situation)”, and people still remember my retired dad, a medical doctor, as a respectful part of society, (they stand him to a saint's category), I was suggested to work on this art therapy affairs, as a means of “get to do something useful with your career in arts”. I'd like to mention importance of mentorship to get to be profitable at the business, an experienced businessman, giving relevance to orange economy, put out the need of constructing industry, and enhance employment for Latinamerica, of course, his way of seeing companies' building is larger ... I did changed my dad as recommended. 

For my dad all this issue results overwhelming. I need to state that I'm not going to threat patients through any artherapy practice, but storytelling, as it is my desire. From art-therapy brainstorm, thou, I recognize, it lets me acquire challenging and innovation resources for instaling my storytelling services in applications like: relief; education; entertainment; fighting stress; personal growth; life project; free time readings; social services; cultural animation; social media; tracking orange businesses, and ecommerce; human talent development; wellbeing quality; and society development in general. I still learned about tourism, international trading, lean concepts for cultural industries, existence o agile, scrum techniques, an a lot more issues during making the mock up of my proposal for validation into the market. So, I'm preparing myself for a beta validation of my product. I need to go forward. 

I'm considering, for instance, a study on Chilean's life stories showing how “cultural change occurs at the individual level”, taking in account “factors that motivate and inhibit processes of reinterpretation of personal experience, and identifies different levels at which it operates”. In the 60's, “the sociology of selfhood began to develop”. “Scholars observed the conformation of self identity in interactional context. Self as development in the person's psyche from the rules imposed by collective life”. “Self as a result of a reflective process in interactional everyday's contexts”. They introduce an idea of behavior as “emphasizing its performative nature”. “The development of different tools for empirical analysis of the dialogical relationship between self and society has accompanied this process. For example, the relationship between self-interpretation and prevailing social discourses has been examined as narrative work, and identity work”. “Still, the question of how individuals negociate the interpretation of personal experience over their lifetimes in the context of cultural change remains unexplored”. - Debate between esscentialism and constructivism -. “Negotiation of personal experience when the cultural references suffer transformations in a given society”. Bernasconi, O. (2011, pp. 20-37). Awsome. 

I still get to manage my dad's big figure on me, he even doesn't know I'm taking this grade. I think this is for me the most difficult part of being a company's woman manager, since I don't have his support, I don't have warranties for a debt. It means, the project of “Hay un lugar, Taller de arte” must be stronger enough for tracking it just by sells' incomes to make it profitable, and maybe to convicnce my kids of being greatful to mom, giving her a proper credit on her ideas, lenting her money for her purposes, while, thinking of continuing being part of the family, and getting manage to follow my kids' career's goal, which could be farther bigger than mine, in the sense, they are even more qualified than me. 

I found a study to be worried about, entrepreneurship practices at third world countries, which are being implemented on inmigrant population in the U.S. without success because they don't accomplish U.S. markets requirements, researches conclude they are not solving poverty, so they consider that these practices don't meet U.S. standards and must be reviewed. “Women in poor countries are launching nothing” shoots Bachrach, T and K (1998, pp.424-440). 

I further identify all the tasks I still have to do to construct a budget for my minimal viable product, and a five minutes elevator pitch as next step. New validation process. Between the issues I will have to follow through: 1. Enhance rehersal about audiences for storytelling (kids, youth, families, B2B, media, on stage, books, t-shirts, posters, waiting rooms, school class, etc); 2. Taking acknowledge of finnancing, a propposal for an on stage delivery; 3. Craft: gather the stories, not fairy tales, make drawings for PDF's books, thinking of notebooks; 4. Thrieve with numerical information for project costs, and contents; 5. Selling's funnel step; 6. Draft further development, markets, potential clients like schools, hotels, health, social services, orange, tourism, social media, legal expenses, for completing the company's business plan; 7. Budgeting the maquila, a new computer for design, marketing and selling issues, contract of human talent (yelling for help); 8. Offer product considerations, for catching buyers, and finnancial supporters; and finally, 9. Work on speeches. This is what is going to be everlasting, not matter all my mental training for being someone at life. 

This is an empirical study about textil industry founders and their responses to the same adversity, so researchers can compare results. This paper relates to resilence skills, and challenging times. I'll be worthy of reading later. Powell, E. and Baker, T. (2014, pp.1406 – 1433). 

Dealing with my feeling of being facing a big challenge in order to model my further career path, I think that working on resilence and emotional responses are important issues to gather motivation to continue, not for me, for everyone. Latinamerican families are more patriarcal and closed to new feminism ideas, I don't feel feminist, I feel nearest to a Christian revaluation of women work at society. I'm committed to a more maternal and less empowered way of leading a company, because I believe women stand families, and construct societies. It's important to continue working on development from a women point of view. It's a pity, feminists are throwing families to the garbage. I can't stand it. I don't feel less woman for being a mother, so I'll be launching and defending my proper place on society. Mothers have rights too. Women hold communities and social services, I bet for a “mutuality” model, I even raise my kids that way. You might to be respectful to your parents, and family might be supportive. 

Randel, Jr. G. Business and “Family Values” (1998). The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics.  

Negotiating Personal Experience over the Lifetime: Narrative elasticity as an Analytic Tool (2011). Wiley on behalf of the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction.  

Williams, J. Hitting the Maternal Wall (2004). American Association of University Professors.   

Powell, E. and Baker, T. It's what you make of it: Founder identity and enacting strategic responses to adversity (2014). The academy of Management Journal. 

Bachrach, T. and K (1998). Women and the false promise of microenterprise. Gender and Society. 

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