Ok. I decided for the "Hangovers" one, because I wanted to read something more actual. It is like a kind of teenager's statement, a psychological one, the kind of written piece you write thinking mom and dad are stupid. It is related to several topics, one, maybe she's not a girl but a boy who once was raped by his second grade teacher, who was really a man, attired like a woman. Author has this kind of idea, he/she is being followed all over by this situation at school when she refers to the calling situation, the letters not neat over the test paper, being followed by decades just because she had forgotten to turn out the phone, and whatever (Pashley, 2007); she, she describes herself as a girl, has been taking drugs, a milkshake, which she refers like "That taste like strawberry milkshakes, fake and pink" (Pashley, 2007, pag.1). "Fake" because it isn't actually a milkshake. There's the suggestion she has been pull toward prostitution, she needs the stuff to attend the clients in front of McDonalls, she might smoke, and was asked to dirty sexual behavior with a dog. At the end, she had to go to the hospital, she relates the scene, and as if she were asking for help, she states: "If you look deeper, there's a girl, sick from a milkshake, and a dog who limsp" (Pashley, 2007, pag.1). She's feeling nausea, she is asking reader to look deeper into this problematic. As reader I found the story challenging, trying to figure out what had happen, when I was to write the brief, I stand up as a mother, first word, O.k. maybe we are having a trouble with this kid.
Pashley, J. Hangovers. Matchbook, from author's stories collection States, 2007. https://www.matchbooklitmag.com/pashley
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